We were recently given the chance to review Beginning Microsoft Small Basic from Computer science for Kids. I know, you are thinking WHAT, computer programming??? Don't despair, this curriculum isn't as complicated as the name lets on. In fact, you don't even need to have any previous computer programming experience. You just need to be familiar with operating Windows which is pretty much second nature for most people.
Beginning Microsoft Small Basic is a programming tutorial that has 11 lessons, each lesson taking about 3-6 hours each, though this varies greatly on who is using it. It's recommended age is for those 10 & older. This curriculum also comes with over 500 pages of notes and programming examples for the student to follow and use. The chapters cover things like computer history, elements of the Small Basic language, program design, debugging, Small Basic graphics just to name a few (check out the full table of contents for even more info). There are also several computer programs that use fun games to show the student in real time what they've learned.
State Capitals Game
My husband is the IT Admin where he works and was intrigued by this course so he was the "main" student for this review while working alongside our son. This program came as a zip file containing both the forms of PDF & Word document with all the chapters for the curriculum. One of the biggest things he was impressed with was the ease of use. He said everything was clearly laid out and not once did he ever become confused on what he was to do. There were screen shots also included. Hubby said it was just a matter of reading the directions (which he opened in a separate window from where he was working), typing in the coding from the lesson then hitting run. If anything was entered incorrectly, it would tell you which line had an error making it easy to find & correct.
He felt this was a good curriculum as an introduction for those wanting to learn about Small Basic though we both felt the younger age kids (10-12) would have difficulty doing this on their own and would benefit from having a parent work alongside of them.
This program is currently on sale until 7/4, as an instant download, for $34.95. Normal price is $59.95. They also offer a Computer Bible Games for Microsoft Small Basic that some of the crew reviewed & enjoyed as well.

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