She goes on to share their story and her emotions throughout the rest of her pregnancy as well as her daughters death and her thoughts & feelings in the time of grief afterward.
I wasn't able to start this book until several weeks after Noah died. As I read it, I shed many tears as I often found Angie writing word for word my emotions & thoughts!! She put things into writing that I hadn't even shared here. It felt good reading about someone else's similar journey and seeing that she felt EXACTLY how I did. And thought the SAME things I did. It was nice knowing that what I was experiancing was normal & that I wasn't alone. Even though her daughter had a different diagnosis that Noah, everything was so eerily similar between our situations.
I would encourage everyone to read this book. Because unless you've been down this awful road, you can't begin to even understand the thoughts and feelings we go through. But Angie does such a wonderful job putting that into words so others can gather just a glimpse of the things we go through and struggle with. She even mentions things that others around us may say or do (or not do) that subsequently hurt those of us greiving. I believe this book can help those around us know better how to understand and even help us through this process. It's an excellant book and she has a wonderful testimony!
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